January 20, 2014

Thoughts Throughout the Weekend

Hey guys! Hope you are all doing well.

I've been really sick all weekend, so I had a lot of time to think about different kinds of things and I just wanted to share with you all some things that I really thought about!

1. Stand up for others

This is something that I used to really struggle with, but standing up for others is SO important. I especially realize this now, because when I was being teased a lot, no one stood up for me and that made me feel really really alone. Be the person that stands up for someone. Even if they are making a "joke" out of it. If they are making fun of a person, it's still really mean. It's really scary to do it sometimes, and a lot of times I looked the other way. I hope that in the future, I will always be the person to stand up for others!

2. Love others

In positive psychology, we all shared our deep and personal stories with each other. Full of smiles, but mostly tears. It was powerful and emotional. People go through SO much. I didn't know how much pain people carried. I didn't know how much sadness and fear they have been carrying around. This activity has further made me realize the importance of loving others. Let's all love each other. Why do we need to say "That girl needs to eat more" or "That guy shouldn't wear that kind of clothes". People are struggling with so many things, and it's not our place to judge others like that.

3. Being sick

Being sick has taught me the importance of health and the importance of family/friends. Health is so important. wow. I realized that every time I get sick, and I forget it every time I'm healthy again. Also, my family and friends has been so supported and kind. It's just amazing and such a blessing!!!

That's all for now! Have a lovely rest of the day.

With much love,


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