August 29, 2013

There is only one of you in the entire universe

Hi there! I hope that you are all doing well, especially with the routine of school back in our lives. Today, I wanted to address the topic of love. 

Although it's important to talk about loving others, I wanted to focus on loving yourself. I think this is difficult for a lot of people because we always tend to pull out our flaws and our failures. 

God loves us no matter what, and he thinks that we are all beautiful, and we should learn to see the beauty in ourselves. I believe that we are all beautiful, and no one should ever feel ugly, or unworthy. There was a period of my life when I felt completely worthless, and it's honestly one of the worst feelings you will ever feel. Now that I know that I'm not worthless, I want other people to know that too. I truly believe that everybody is here for a reason, and everybody who thinks they're worthless, deserves a huuuuuuuge hug. It's hard to love yourself, but it's not impossible, because all things are possible in God's hands.

Picture of the week:

Song of the week:

Free To Be Me by Francesca Battistelli 

That's all for now! Have a lovely rest of the day.

With much love,


(P.S. if you ever feel sad, come talk to me! We can pray together, and then we can watch a Disney movie together and drink tea. yay!)

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